Sustainability at Taylor's

Here at Taylor’s Classics, we are working hard to be more sustainable as a company. Our roots are grounded in Antique and Reclaimed furniture and have been the foundations for the company today.  

Between 2022-23 we have reduced our energy consumption by an estimated 70% and carbon emissions by an estimated 35 tonnes of C02e each year.

We’re proud to share just a few ways we’re trying to make a difference so far:

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Recently installing Solar Panels & harnessing power from the sun.

As a manufacturing company we use machinery that requires a large amount of energy. To improve our self-resilience, sustainability and to lower our carbon emissions we have recently installed a large solar PV array. This means that for a good percentage of the year, the furniture we make here at Taylors is powered solely by the Sun. 

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LED Lighting & Biomass Burner

We have installed LED Lighting all throughout our warehouse, factory, showroom, and offices to also reduce our energy consumption. We have also installed a biomass burner to heat the factory in the winter months.

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Sustainably sourced timber

All FSC Approved from certified suppliers.


Our Reclaimed Furniture

We are the UK’s largest stockist of reclaimed dining chairs. Each year we refurbish 1000s of chairs and 100s of tables, saving potentially hundreds of oak and beech trees from the sawmills.

Using and repurposing reclaimed furniture is the most sustainable option when considering your next project, but we understand this is not always an option. So, over the past five decades we have developed a large range of new contract furniture that showcases what we stand for, ‘Quality and Consistency’. It is built to last, and we only use FSC registered timber throughout our manufacturing process. 

We will continue to look at how we operate and improve where we can as a company, to do our bit for the environment.

If you would like to contact us to discuss any of the information above, please contact us.